Title: Biomimicry at the molecular level: Molecularly imprinted polymers as synthetic antibodies for biomedicine. Speakers: Melissa Sedkaoui and Karsten Haupt Date: 17/12/2020 at 14:00 Zoom link: https://univ-grenoble-alpes-fr.zoom.us/j/95592200584?pwd=KzRLK29UNW53bFd2Q3paVVlUZ2k4UT09Meeting ID: 955 9220 0584 Passcode: 575324 Abstract Molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) [1] are synthetic...
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GDR 2088 “Biomim” 1st Annual Meeting: A Hybrid Conference
Annual Meeting, GDR News Annual Meeting, Bioinspiration, Biomimicry, CNRS, GDR 2088, GDR BIOMIM, Hybrid Conference
The GDR 2088 "Biomim": Biomimicry and Bioinspiration hold its 1st Annual Meeting in a hybrid format last 13-14 October 2020, where on-site participants met at Le Negresco Hotel in Nice, France and on-line participants joined via the Zoom platform.
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